October 30, 2019—- CCEF in partnership with the Philippine Cooperative Central Fund Federation (PCF) held a seminar on “Cooperativism: Uniting People to Fight Climate Change for Sustainable Development.”
The morning session during the event included opening remarks from the PCF Chairperson, Ms. Garibaldi O. Leonardo, and rationale by the CDA regional director, Johanna Polinar.
Mr. Jonathan Apurado, CCEF Marine Specialist, gave a short talk on Climate Emergency, and the evidence of how climate change has sped up at faster rate over time. Dr. Aileen Maypa, CCEF Reseach and Development Adviser and coral reef specialist further gave insights on the impacts of climate change, especially on the case studies of the marine protected areas in Siquijor.
CCEF Executive Director, Mr. Auburn Patrick Samson also presented on building cooperative resilience and how Cooperatives can help mitigate climate change. He also introduced CCEF’s new campaign, the Lend a Blue Hand and how Cooperatives can partner with CCEF to help make a difference in today’s climate emergency.
Cooperatives during the seminar pledged and signed a commitment to help mitigate climate change locally.
Thank you to all cooperatives and the Philippine Cooperative Central Fund Federation for your dedication to securing the future of the next generation by helping us fight climate change!