The Municipality of Argao and Oslob are among the seven Municipalities of ADABOSS under Project SEACURED with the most number of MPAs. Argao alone has established 10 MPAs during the early 2000s, giving them the title of having the most number of MPAs among the 7 Municipalities. Meanwhile, Oslob has a total of five MPAs established with one of them being the first established MPA in the Philippines which is the Sumilon Island Fish Sanctuary established last 1974.
Dale Patrick D. Atup CCEF Project Associate together with Edward ViƱan MAO Agricultural Technician and their Municipal Bantay Dagat mapped 5 of the Argao MPAs (Taloot, Bulasa, Langtad, Tulic, Bogo) last November 20, and 2 of the MPAs in Oslob (Poblacion and Tan-awan) together with Michelle R. Baird and the Municipal Bantay last November 28-29 2019, using a handheld GPS to mark each corner point of the MPA. These coordinates will be used for proper delineation of the MPAs which is important for MPA implementation and as a basis for enforcement.