November 30, 2019— A total of 40 volunteers from Asia Datawords Philippines, Inc, 7 CCEF staff and 8 Liloan CARES People’s Organization Volunteers join together in a mangrove planting activity at Cotcot, Liloan Cebu.

The mangrove planting activity, started with the opening remarks from CCEF Program Coordinator, Mr. Lloyd Yosoya and from the Asia Datawords Production Manager, Mr. Jeanne Piere Millet.
Participants during the mangrove planting were then oriented by CCEF Mangrove Specialist, Mr. Jonathan Apurado, about the importance of mangroves and the proper way of handling and planting the mangrove seedlings on the field. The participants were then divided into groups, each with a CCEF facilitator to assist in planting the mangroves.
With only a total of 55 volunteers that day, including CCEF staff and PO volunteers, we were able to plant 650 Avicennia mangrove seedlings. Certificates of participation and appreciation were awarded to AsiaDTwords for their support and involvement during the activity.