Title | Annual Report 2018 |
Publication Type | Report |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Authors | Tan, A.; Alava, M.; Yosoya, L.; Bitoon, M.; Maypa A.; Baird, M. |
Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation, Inc. | |
City | Cebu City |
Abstract | Since 1998, CCEF has been actively rehabilitating and protecting the coasts and involving the communities in managing them. As we celebrate CCEF’s 20th year as a leader in coastal resource management, we present here the various testimonies from CCEF staff and how CCEF has evolved through the years. 2018 is also a year where CCEF has made major milestones in terms of expanding its project sites, reaching out to more coastal communities and other different stakeholders. The Saving Philippine Reefs Expedition is also notably one of the highlights of 2018, held at one of the largest MPAs in the Philippines: Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park.
CCEF has three main projects for the year 2018, namely the Project ISDA (Isda Siguruon Damgong makab-ot pinaagi sa Alyansa), ADABOSS Project (Representing the 7 southern municipalities of Cebu: Argao, Dalaguete, Alcoy, Boljoon, Oslob, Santander and Samboan) and A Development Work for Constituency Building in Cebu and Siquijor. Project ISDA continued the efforts of CCEF’s Project SUSTAIN in assisting Siquijor Province in strengthening its MPA and coastal law enforcement. ADABOSS Project aims to build the capacity of the southeast municipalities in Cebu on coral reef rehabilitation using the protocol that was developed in Siquijor. The Development and Constituency Building in Cebu and Siquijor aims to build relationships with community stakeholders to advance the mission and goals of the organization as well as test-run activities to promote fundraising and awareness through Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) Campaign and partnership-building in Cebu and Siquijor. |
File | Annual Report 2018 |