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Annual Report 2020

Annual Report 2020

Title Annual Report 2020
Publication Type Report
Year of Publication 2020
Authors Tan, A. ; Baird, M.; Yosoya, L.; Baisac, J.
Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation, Inc.
City Cebu City
Abstract This year, coastal communities face a great economic setback brought about by the lack of access to basic needs, livelihood and training due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to the support of UNICO Conservation Foundation and other partners, CCEF is able to continue its efforts in bringing positive change in our coasts and oceans through the Our Ocean Program and our new Project, YOUthCARE: a youth-led initiative which has assisted over 10 LGUs and 7 projects in Cebu City to help community members combat the impacts of COVID-19 .

2020 has given us a 20/20-vision on how we see our environment– changing not only the way we live, but also how communicate and conserve. In this year’s “Our Ocean” Program, CCEF continues to scale-up participatory governance, coastal law enforcement, awareness campaigns and livelihood trainings through its three (3) major projects: Project SMILE, Project SEAled and Project SEAcured.

The 2nd SEAklab Coastal Camp was held at Oslob, Cebu with the theme “Igniting the Spirit of Coastal Stewardship”. The 3-day camp was joined by a much more diverse group of delegates from at least 8 coastal communities participated mainly by the youth leaders from CCEF’s Our Ocean Project sites in ADABOSS (Argao, Dalaguete, Alcoy, Boljoon, Oslob, Santander and Samboan), free divers from Alcoy and Argao (Bad Divers and Southside Freedivers) and Talisay ( Barangay Biasong, and Boy Scouts of the Philippines-Talisay Chapter).

This year, CCEF has also started a new partnership with different SCUBA diving groups; UGLY Grouper SCUBA Divers, Trek & Dive, Naga Emergency Action Team and Southside Freedivers in cleaning our oceans through cleanup dives. In the coastal side, CCEF has also partnered with the University of Visayas Maritime Campus, with the support of A Better Ocean, A Danish-based initiative whose mission is to remove plastic from the world’s oceans through the help of private businesses.

Also featured in this Annual Report, are our “Heroes of the Coast”who , despite the pandemic have continued their work in protecting the coasts and conserving our marine resources.

We give our heartfelt thanks to UNICO Conservation Foundation, Wildlife Conservation Society and our other partners for supporting us throughout this pandemic year.

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