Lend a Blue Hand
Times are changing and so is our oceans
Our oceans are faced with many threats; from the uplands, wastewater pollution and plastics choke marine animals and coral reefs leaving them to die and in lowlands many fishing communities overfish the seas leaving no time for fish stocks to recover. Furthermore, climate change is adding to the many threats that the oceans is already facing. Warming ocean temperatures are causing massive coral bleaching and shellfish and other calcium-building organisms are having difficulty building their skeletons because of increased ocean acidity and temperatures.
ral reefs
We need to save our dying fisheries.
Because the Philippines is a coastal country, its people are heavily reliant on the resources provided by our oceans. As the population continue to demand for more and more fish, supply of caught fishes have declined and prices have dramatically increased. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) reported that 10 out of 13 fishing grounds or about 75% of the country’s fishing sites are overfished. The University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute and the Biodiversity Management Bureau further revealed that less than 1% of Philippine coral reefs are in excellent condition – an alarming fact, taking into account that many species of fish and invertebrates live and breed in coral reefs
Help us Make A Difference by Lending A Blue Hand Today

Secure our Marine Protected Areas
Empower the local fish wardens
Ensure proper waste management